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Integrated Credit Card Processing for the Flooring Industry

Truth: Credit card processing is often very confusing (and sometimes deceptive). We have spent years educating ourselves and trying to find solutions that best help and protect our QPro and QFloors customers.

credit card graphic

QPay: Credit Card Processing Made Easy

We are excited to finally be able to provide a credit card processing option that integrates with QPro, that offers fair, straight-forward rates, and allows flooring dealers to process credit cards remotely, away from the office.

QPay screen on qpro

Automatically post payments to QPro

In addition, QPay integrates with the QPro payments and customer accounts screens. Approved payments are automatically posted to the QPro payments window.

credit card pay machine

Personal, in-house support

QPro's responsive and knowledgeable support staff provides the customer support. QPay is an in-house product, where QPro/QFloors supports everything from the shipment of terminals, to the connection of QPro to the terminals. All gateway and processing questions go through QPro support.

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QPay logo

QPay offers typical integrated credit card processing features, plus a few enhancements for flooring dealers, such as:

  • electrical plug with lightning icon Plug-n-play terminal setup. This means you don't have to find an IT expert to attach the processor to our system. It'll save tons of time, hassle, and expense.
  • shield with lock iconEnhanced security on keyed in cards.
  • White and blue desktop computer icon No need to have a credit card present to process a return.
  • credit card icon Tokens allow you to safely save credit card information in your system to be charged at a later date. QPay offers token options for all major credit cards, including American Express.
  • grey money icon

    QPay is a QFloors company product! That means we control the pricing, which should instill confidence for all customers.

To learn more about QPay, please contact QPro sales: