We are seeing an overwhelmingly enthusiastic response from customers to QPay, our integrated credit card processing. And now we've added even more features and enhancements.
In addition to the low rates offered by QPay, and the fact that it integrates with QPro, customers are expressing a lot of excitement over all of the pay-at-home options they can now provide their customers.
One of the biggest updates involves a complete overhaul of the QPay payments website. This is the webpage (featuring your logo) that your customers will go to as they are typing in their payment info, in order to pay from home via credit card or ACH. There is a brand new look and feel to this webpage, which can be linked to through Pay Now buttons on your website or emails you send out. When payments are made, you receive an automatic notification.
We're hearing so much positive feedback about QPay. The excitement is coming from people who switched from other processing systems. Not only are we almost always saving them money on their rates, but even more importantly, they love the integration. And, as mentioned, they love the enhanced pay-at-home options for their customers.
Even more, QPay is super easy to set up. Unlike many other credit card processing systems, you don't need to get an IT specialist to set everything up. It's basically "plug and play".
If you have questions about QPay, or if you'd like us to give you a rate quote, simply reach out to a member of our QPro sales team at 801-563-0140, option 4, or email sales@qprosoftware.com.