Real Connections Make a Real Difference

Welcome to QNews! This new quarterly e-newsletter is one of the ways we are trying to stay in touch. I think most of us gained an appreciation for the benefits of connection over the past year.
With most software you buy, if you have a question or concern, you are limited to searching through a FAQ page, or maybe after an hour of digging you find an email address you can send questions to in the hopes they will answer within the next day or two. One of the many unique perks of QPro is your access to real, knowledgeable people who truly care about helping you (and your team) incorporate and benefit from the software.
Our technical support team continually gets top marks. (Don’t believe us? Read through our google reviews.) They are smart, compassionate, and patient. They understand the ins and outs of the flooring industry. And they can answer your questions and step you through different things with the software.
This is a busy time for many of you. The flooring business is booming in many areas of the country. So there is even more need for the time savings that QPro can bring your operation. If you’re just starting out with the software, we realize there may be a bit of a learning curve required and it may not seem you are saving time as you get things set up. But trust us -- the efficiency, organization, and streamlining that QPro will bring in the long run makes it worth it, 1000x over! We encourage you to carve a little bit of time out to make it happen.
If you are just getting started, or if you are experiencing starts and stops, please reach out to our support. They can help. We are here for you.