The Latest News from QPro

Welcome to the first edition of QNews, a quarterly newsletter for QPro customers. We wanted to provide a way to keep you in the loop with everything going on with QPro software. There will be helpful tips, information on updates, and more.
I have some cool news to share, but first, I wanted to give a brief status update. We’ve added some additional programmers and testers in the past few months and QPro development is moving at an even faster pace now, as we continually add even more features and capabilities and security. You have also probably noticed that many of the bugs you’ve reported have been fixed. Just as a reminder, we try to keep all of the updates listed on this page for your reference. Once in awhile we might get a bit behind in posting, but it’s typically pretty current.
Introducing QPay
We recently announced this new credit card processing service for our QFloors legacy software customers, and it will soon be available for our QPro customers. We anticipate that we’ll be testing the credit card processing integration with QPro beta testers within the next month. If you are a QPro customer and have an interest in helping us test this out, please contact me.
Here’s a short announcement video about QPay and the convenience and peace of mind it will offer.
Once we’ve finished testing, we’ll make it available for all of our QPro customers. We’re excited about how this new service and integration can help you.
Finally, I’d like to express gratitude for our partnership. I understand that jumping on a new and continually evolving software can be daunting. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. We are here to help.